If you didn't know already, when it comes to on line services, I'm a Google customer. I don't really do much with Facebook, Yahoo, etc. etc. All my stuff is done using services provided by Google. I use Gmail for my web based email. I use Blogger (A Google owned product) for this blog. I use Picasa (another Google owned product) for managing photos. I could go on for quite a while listing Google products I use, but it's kind of boring. Let's get to the point.
The point is that since Google+ has become the focus of most of Google's energy as of late, I'm using it too. It has allowed me to share photos in a protected fashion (That means only people that I want to see them get to see them). I could have used other services in the past to accomplish this, but it was too much of a chore to do so. Google+ has made is extremely easy for me to share photos with just my family, or with my family and friends with very little effort.
Therefore, if you are used to seeing a family album with all of my photos on it that are shared with anyone that has a link, those days are coming to an end. From here on, I'll be sharing photos using Google+. If you want to see them, just sign up for a Google account, and you'll be on your way. Just get on there and then search for my name, and you will find me. From that point, I'll help you get your Google+ to a point where you just might like it more than Facebook. The only issue that I see that keeps Google+ less viable than Facebook is the fact that all your friends are on Facebook, and not on Google+. Which is kind of a bummer. :(
Anyway... here's a sample of the pictures I've recently shared on G+
Brett at his "Field Day" event at his school. He had a blast.
The first ripe tomatoes in the garden out back.
Of course, there are a ton more images to see, but you need to get on Google+ to see them. Go for it. It won't hurt at all, I promise.
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