Thursday, October 12, 2017

Summer Vacation pictures from 2017

It seems that I'm always forgetting that I still have a domain name called, which leads me to forget to post things on the blog that is found when visiting that URL.  So, here's another super late update from a big event in our family.  The big event was our Summer trip to Washington DC.  I had never been to our nation's capital, and we were looking for a good vacation for the family that didn't involve a beach (We really wore out the beach vacation over the last decade).  So, we went, and really enjoyed ourselves.  We were there 7 full days, and used Air BnB for lodging.  We saw so much stuff!  I think the top three for me were: The White House tour,  The US Capital tour, and The National Gallery of Art.

Here's the link to all the pictures.


Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Summer Vacation Pics from 2016

Space Needle

Better late than never. ;)

Here's the scoop.  Tristan and three of his good friends really love this video game called Dota 2.  There is a world wide Dota  2 tournament held in Seattle every year in August.  So, we went to Seattle so the boys could see the tournament, and so Blinda, Brett, and I could see Seattle.  Turned out to be a great trip.  Here are some pictures from the trip.